Thursday, July 2, 2009

Diary: "that's very hot!"

There's a popular Korean comedy duo whose catchphrase is "That's very hot!" For awhile now I've been hearing students repeat it and mimic the duo's "dance" moves. I must say, it got very annoying at times. I got this diary a few weeks ago with a student's own interpretation of the phrase!

That's very hot!
Oh, today is too hot!
I'm doing sweat shower!
but not refreshing.
on the contrary feel uneasy.
Maybe student too hot.
I don't like summer,
and I don't like mosquito.
(insert cute drawing of girl fanning herself here)
-by Nicole, 6th grade

Now, check out this video of the original skit from Korean TV. The guys are a little strange, but I understand why the kids repeated it all day long - it's quite catchy! There's no need to watch for'll get the idea pretty quickly.